If Your Employment Ends
COBRA benefits are administered by Inspira Financial Health, Inc. If you were enrolled in the Company-sponsored Group Benefits Plan, you will receive a COBRA package from Inspira Financial within 44 days from the loss of your coverage. Generally, your health coverage ends at the end of the following month from your termination date.
Go to www.inspirafinancial.com (click on the LOGIN button in the upper right corner) to register and access your account, set up electronic auto-payments via ACH or make payments online.
Inspira Financial Health, Inc. Benefits Billing Department, PO Box 953374, St. Louis, MO 63195-3374
Phone (888) 678-7835 TTY: 771 (Monday through Friday 7 am -7 pm Central Time)
Fax (402) 231-4302 / Email cobramail@inspirafinancial.com / www.inspirafinancial.com
COBRA Information
Benefits at Termination includes COBRA rates effective 8/1/2024-7/31/2025
Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) Program - State of California